My very first cash earned via the Web proved to be a huge surprise for me. Formerly, all of the time considered the World Wide Web a center of entertainment and not a means of creating a profit, so the offer of a friend to combine the agreeable with useful took using a fair share of disbelief. But nobody demanded the first investment rather than to try out this leadership appeared to me ridiculous. I loved to write since youth, supporting a fiction of theme outlines company wasn't necessary for a very long time was considered among the acquaintances by the individual strange and the huge fantasist. Service of recognition of the plans onto kopyrait, such as the title the given kind of Internet action, picked family council, weighing against and for, finding new and new arguments.

 Hi, my name is Viktoriya. I am 34 years of age. I'm a copywriter, you can find more of my posts at I graduated with honors from the university.

 The first traces of this order were imperfect, and the responsibility pushed, and the unwillingness to seem narrow and ineffective drove the thought into such a framework the thirst for imagination practically ceased to exist. Printed and given material left much to be wanted, however a tingling sense of awkwardness was conquered by an outburst of willpower. Three days passed as one and it occurred: at the corner of my account page my lawfully gotten pennies was flaunting. A strange creature, a strange guy, settled for something little yesterday and now he's currently making cosmic promises to reside. So it occurred to me the second post was a failure in all respects and it's impossible to say that intuitively I did not feel exactly the same outcome. Self-confidence is adverse if it's superfluous and does not permit us to summarize the results based on marginal worldviews, however, thank God, there comes the sobering experience of the first mistakes, which deeply melts from the memory and does not permit them to repeat themselves.

 How are words created? How to locate such expressions, which might be unusually accurate to convey the meaning and would be totally clear to the goal category of subscribers? The way to choose the ideal tone and accent? These will be the main, premise questions of copyright, so the answer to which can be optimistic of successful operation of the undertaking of the customer. Filigree formulas are occasionally born in torments, and also the foreigner comes by sign like a suddenly awakened angel of literature, touching the forehead of the author with his cold hands, eliminated the odd and unnecessary combinations of words. Together with the age of these illuminations, it becomes less and less, since intellect and expertise always resist the occasion. That's why journalism is the fate of this young generation.

 The joy of knowing that your job is incomparable to nothing whatsoever. When I published ironic cases from my own life experience, and also the webmaster took them, I wished to just fly on the wings of the dream. Happiness is when someone needs you. Pleasure is when you're in demand. The disadvantage of this - frailty and oblivion. But under the lying stone water doesn't flow and so it is simply necessary to make. At not writing everywhere, at least only for no real reason, without any reward for their work. The development of thoughts and outlook of thinking is the goal of any human culture in whatever indicators it's quantified, and the output of copywriting with a favorable balance will not wait, if the writer does not have a material reward within itself, but only a means to achieve professionalism in writing.